WELCOME to the Border Collie Ranch

When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece (John Ruskin)

Here at "the Ranch"  the goal is to maintain the outstanding traditional qualities of the working Border Collie as well as assist others in training, working or trialing as needed. 

Litters for public offering are rare

Located less than an hour from San Antonio, Texas, this little 30 acre place is proving to be adequate training grounds for working and trial dogs.

The handlers and trainers nationwide have been extremely helpful and guiding.  I consider it fortunate to have spent time with some of the American legends: Ralph Pulfer, Bud Boudreau and E.B. Raley, to mention a few.  Other Texas personalities that have provided sound tips are Emil Luedecke, Herbert Holmes,  Ron Burkey, and Jimmy Walker.

 Susan Carpenter pushed me into my first trial and will not be forgiven (ref. addiction).

Eleno Montemayor was instrumental in bringing me and the early dogs along .


The Partners.htm For sale.htm Training.htm


Contact Information    

Postal address
PO Box 578, Center Point, Texas 78010
Electronic mail:   Rodney@thebordercollieranch.com        Rodney Long